5 Ways You Can Increase Your Winnings In Online Poker

WPT online poker

Online poker is an exciting, competitive, and immensely fun game involving strategy, skill, and a little luck. And unlike golf or other activities where you can fudge your results, poker keeps a true and uncompromised track record; wins and losses. 

But without the in-depth series of lessons on situational poker or advanced odds, what are a few tips that you can use instantly to improve your game and increase your winnings on sites like WPT online poker? Here are 5 things you can do immediately to get better results from your digital sessions:

  1. Play at the proper stakes.

Before you can beat up the $5/$10 games, you have to first master the .05/.10 game. Remember that as a general rule, the competition gets stiffer the higher you go in stakes. 

Now, that’s not to say that there aren’t still plenty of action players and fish at the higher levels, but they aren’t nearly as common. Play at the level where you book the most consistent wins, and stay at that level until you have the proper bankroll to move up (25 or more buy-ins).

  1. Take your study/training to the next level.

If near-daily poker study isn’t part of your routine, you can’t expect to be able to play at the top levels and win consistently. Make it a point to read, watch videos, or brush up on hand charts every day, preferably before your WPT online poker session.

  1. Pay close attention to your opponent’s play styles.

There are several things to keep an eye out for when determining the playing style of your tablemates. This is important for both maximizing your gains and minimizing your losses when playing pots with them. Here are just a few things that warrant careful observation:

  • Betting patterns
  • Hand ranges
  • Level of aggression 
  • Pre and post-flop tendencies
  • Frequency of bluffing
  1. Utilize the available technology. 

Between head-up displays, hand percentage calculators, digital training materials, virtual coaching, and all of the other innovative ways to grow your game, there is no reason that you can’t use them to maximize your advantage.

  1. Play as many hours as possible.

If you are serious about turning your hobby into a steady stream of income, or if you are considering getting into the game full-time, then getting the max return on your time and investment is very important. If you are at this point in your poker career, you should already be tracking your per-hour rate. Therefore, you can determine how many hours you have to play to get the return you want. 

However, this is only true within reason. You cannot plan to or expect to play insane hours just to hit an optimistically high number. Playing extra-long sessions or playing when you’re tired or distracted is a guaranteed losing formula.

WPT online poker offers a diverse player pool with lots of action.

With players from all over the world, you can expect all different styles and bankrolls to be active. But if you put the tips mentioned today into practice, and continue to work on expanding and improving your game, you should have no problem dealing with whoever sits across the table from you.

Author: vinay

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