Is THC Vaping A Good Choice Over Smoking?

Ever since cannabis has been legalized in various countries, its usage has increased. Whether it is medical or recreational, a lot of people are relying on the positive usage of cannabis. THC is, therefore, one of those compounds that is mainly used for recreational purposes because it creates the ‘high’. 

When you vape THC using THC Vape Pen, contains psychoactive elements that lead to a relaxed, energetic, and high feeling when you smoke it. While many may deem smoking to be harmful, people have now turned to vaping to enjoy the benefits. But is vaping THC a good choice over smoking? Continue reading to learn some surprising thoughts. 

Vaping THC is a Good Choice Over Smoking

Smoking THC can have a direct impact on your lungs and cardiovascular health. Well, there isn’t any such risk attached to it, especially when you’re talking about vaping. Unless you’re overdosing or using it in excess, using THC vape pens will not have any major negative impact. 

THC smoke is bad for the lungs, like any other smoke. Therefore, the alternative vaping is considered to be safe. However, more research needs to be done to determine whether or not THC vape pens are better than smoking. 

However, there are experts who suggest that even though vaping is better than smoking, it is not safe. A lot of users turn to vaping THC oil for prolonged periods, which can have a negative impact on the body. As a result, it will increase the risk of various side effects. 

Side Effects of Vaping THC

THC vape pens may either contain concentrated THC or THC oil- either of which can be equally bad for the body. When you purchase high-quality marijuana, the THC level will be higher, too, which means your body will be prone to getting a better high. 

However, regular or prolonged use of THC vape pens is often associated with a wide range of dangers and health problems, such as the following:

  • Addictive: Vaping THC can be very addictive. When you’re using high-quality marijuana, you are at the risk of getting addicted. Research shows that 30% of marijuana users eventually indulge in substance use disorder. 
  • Cancer risk: While you may have heard many say that cannabis or marijuana can control cancer, it will not. In fact, when you’re smoking THC for a longer period, you’d be at the risk of getting lung cancer. 
  • Impaired Brain Development: The use of THC vape pens is common among teenagers. However, using the same for a longer period can lead to improper brain development amongst teens. As a result, they will have a hard time with attention, memory, and concentration and will also prevent learning properly. Thus, pregnant women are often advised to stay away from THC vape pens. 
  • Heart Health: THC vape pens can make you prone to various cardiovascular diseases. Not only will it increase your blood pressure and heart rate, but it will also increase the risk of stroke. 
  • Mental Health: Apart from your physical health, vaping THC can also affect your mental health. If you keep overdosing frequently, the use of THC will increase the risk of developing anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and temporary psychosis. Many users have also complained about experiencing paranoia and temporary psychosis. 

While the above mentioned ones are some of the common health risks you will go through, there are other side effects that you can experience. The frequent use of THC vape pens can lead to feeling sick, drowsiness, restlessness, and increased hunger. 


Vaping THC is even more dangerous than vaping tobacco or nicotine. Since it affects your lungs, breathing may be difficult. Moreover, the use of THC vape pens will expose your body to a wide range of hazardous chemicals that you should strictly avoid. There are various other safer ways to try out THC, like edibles, oils, and more, so try and use those rather than vaping. 


Author: varsha

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