Nekokuny Biography
Nekokuny is a verified Phub channel name. Currently, there have 70k subscribers & 50 million views there. This channel model’s name is Kunya. After watching her picture you’ll think it’s a girl. But he is a boy who looks like a girl. He was born on August 11, 2001, in Japan.
Currently, he is 20 years old & her zodiac sign is Leo. He already uploads 230+ videos on Phub. He has 20k followers on Twitter. His Twitter account name is @kuny_neko.
Nekokuny Wikipedia |
Real Name | Kunya |
Gender | Male |
Birth Date | August 11, 2001 |
Age | 20 Years |
Birth Place | Japan |
Nationality | Japanese |
Height | 5′ 5″ |
Weight | 45 KG |
Net Worth | $1 Million |

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