TheMagicMuffin is a verified phub channel. This channel owner’s name is Leonie Pur. Leonie Pur was born on May 24, 1993. Currently, she is 28 years old & her zodiac sign is Taurus. This stunning girl’s height is 5′ 5″ & weight is 48 kg.
On her, The Magic Muffin channel has more than 300k subscribers & 200 million views. Her model rank is 129 on there now. She already uploads there 100+ free videos & 10 paid videos.
Leonie Pur is very famous on social media sites. On her Instagram account, she has 300k followers. Her Instagram account name is leonie_pur. And she has 100k followers on Twitter. Her Twitter account name is @LeoniePur. She uploads there her video clips too. Keep reading to know more about Leonie Pur Biography & enjoy Leonie Pur Cute Photos.

Leonie Pur Wikipedia |
Real Name | Leonie Pur |
Gender | Female |
Birth Date | May 24, 1993 |
Age | 28 Years |
Birth Place | USA |
Nationality | American |
Height | 5′ 5″ |
Weight | 48 kg |
Net Worth | $30 Million |

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